Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 21: Bikes, Food and Cameras

Today we made a 4 hour cycling tour of Munich take up pretty much the entire day. By the time we slept in, walked (the long way) to the start point of the tour and bought our ticket, went on the tour which went overtime, and then challenged ourselves to find our way home without using the map, it was after 5pm.

The tour was good fun and the guide did a good job - but we had a slight problem with lunch. We were supposed to stop at a beer garden for food and drinks, but the one they usually took people to was closed. So she led us all on to another place nearby... which was also closed. After getting on the phone back to base, asking them to organise us something, we got to go back to the original beer-garden, but only to go into the restaurant that was there. All of this turned the 4-hour tour (which they actually claimed would be about 3.5 when we set out) into about 4.5 hours.

We also had all sorts of troubles with cameras and memory cards today, which is really not interesting enough to tell about, but ended up with Owen's memory card being stuffed and all of the pictures from today being lost.

Dinner was at an Italian restaurant where Spagetti Bolognaise was ordered all-round (I'm not sure why anymore... but I think there was a reason). For dessert we had Spagetti Bolognaise and Pizza. Made of ice-cream. If only we had the pictures of them.

Owen's SpagBol was soft-serve ice cream that came in long strands, like it had been pushed through a salada biscuit or something. It was piled up with raspberry sauce and coconut on top for the Bolognaise Sauce and parmesan cheese.

Xavier's pizza was... HUGE! It came out on a dinner plate, and covered it right to the edge. It was a reasonably thick layer of vanilla ice cream for the base, raspberry sauce for the tomato paste/sauce, and then bits of fruit PILED on top, as the toppings. Again, coconut on top represented the cheese, and there was chocolate sauce around the very edge on the plate.... maybe the burned crust???

It really didn't look that big in the picture on the menu!!!

But we trooped through it, and walked back to the hostel rather than taking the train to get rid of as much of that dessert as we could!!!

1 comment:

  1. The ice cream desserts in the shapes of dinner food is gold... so wish your camera did stuff up and we could see the hilarity!

    "I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking." Christopher Isherwood
