Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 9: Arrival in Oxford

We woke. We packed up. We departed the hotel. We found our way to the bus station. We made our bus with plenty of time to spare. Fortunately, this bus didn’t drive us along a route out that took us directly past Berian’s place again.

5:30 hours later (with no breaks for lunch or leg-stretching!), we got off the bus in Oxford, and enjoyed an evening of the Spooky Men’s Chorale. For those of you who don’t know who/what The Spooky Men are, look at and/or

After dinner at Nandos(!), we went down the road for the Spooky performance and were thoroughly entertai... errr, actually this copy and paste from yesterday is not working so well – mainly because the Spooky Men are not on in Oxford until tomorrow night. Although we didn’t realise this until we showed up at the venue tonight and found a line up of people waiting to go and check out some Bach. So, yeah, with the car rental and the gig tonight, we’re not doing so well with getting days/dates right J

Highly good times. Tomorrow we can look forward to a long-ish bus trip during the day followed by a potential Spooky Men’s Chorale concert in the evening... oh, actually, I think we’re doing something different tomorrow...

Right – now onto stuff that is not copied and pasted from yesterday:

T’was only a short stay in Leeds, but long enough. I wouldn’t say it’s one of the most attractive to be holidaying. Several of Berian’s friends in Edinburgh had replied with “Why?” when we told them we were going there, and I will be asking others the same thing in the future. It’s not that it’s a horrible place, it just gave me the distinct impression that the whole city was very lower-class and if it was in Australia it would be known as a very bogan area. There were plenty of too-young mothers and angry people yelling down telephones.

I also apologise for the lack of photos over the last few days. The memory card for my camera has been in the laptop for the last few days (as opposed to in the camera where it needs to be to take photos!), and moving it seems to keep slipping my mind whenever I have a chance to do it!

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